- Room category - 4N Sunset Beach Pool Villa with Transfer
- Meal Plan: All Inclusive
- Room Inclusions:
- Complimentary F&B Services are available. Drinks will include Soft Drinks/Alcohol/Beer/Juice/Tea or coffee/Wine/Mocktail/Cocktail.
- Complimentary Mini Bar. Mini Bar will have Soft Drinks/Juices. It will get replenished Once Per Stay. Quantity of every item is as defined by the property.
- Complimentary Honeymoon Package is available. Sparkling wine/Breakfast/Cake/Bed Decoration/Eevening Turndown. The package is available for couples who have married in the last 12 months. A photocopy of the wedding card is required.
- Complimentary Port Transfers are available, including Pick-up & Drop facility in Sea Plane.
- Complimentary Birthday/Anniversary inclusions are provided Cake/Wine.